Topic: Jesus

Will You Believe Our Testimony?

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • March 31

Join us this Easter for a special message on the importance of testimony and why it's so crucial for Christians to not only witness what Jesus passed on throughout history, but also to share in what we see and experience.

My Testimony


Three Red Letter Questions

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Apr 9, 2023

The Resurrected Christ revealed his character by asking these simple questions.

Passports and Passages


Jesus the Healer

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jan 29, 2023

Let your faith see that it’s God’s will for our bodies to be healed.


Faith Healing Jesus

Receiving Rescue

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jan 15, 2023

Christ offers us a complete life in Him because He rescues us in these five areas.


Jesus Salvation

Receiving New Life

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jan 8, 2023

Discover new life once you realize the need, source, and reason for new birth.


Jesus Salvation

Christ Centered Joy

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Nov 6, 2022

Jesus is the foundation of joy. Discover your places of joy in him.


Jesus Joy

Jesus, The Catalyst of Change

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Aug 21, 2022

Change occurs in us once Jesus is at the proper place in our lives. Are you willing to let Him change you?

Change Your World

Jesus Surrender

The Cup He Drank

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Apr 3, 2022

Stand under the cross and consider the cup He drank from so that you could have a different cup!

The Cross

Jesus The Cross

The Asa Challenge

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Dec 26, 2021

Let‘s start the year strong by focusing and preparing ourselves for all that God would do through our steadfast commitment to Him.



Joy in Christ

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Dec 19, 2021

There’s reason to celebrate because joy arrived when Jesus was born. Live in the victory we have in Christ.


Jesus Joy

The Person of Peace

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Dec 12, 2021

Christ’s entry into the world made a pathway for peace with one another, the world around us, and with our Heavenly Father.


Jesus Peace

Living in the Tension

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Dec 5, 2021

Regardless of circumstances, we’re assured of a hope that lasts for all eternity. Choose to live with an excitement for what’s to come.


Eternity Hope Jesus

Take OUT Gospel

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jul 18, 2021

When we receive the message of Jesus, we are called to take it with us everywhere we go. How are you carrying Christ into the world around you?

Up, In, and Out

Jesus Evangelism

Leaning IN to God‘s Family

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jul 11, 2021

Christ desires that as we follow Him, we experience unity with the family of believers around us.

Up, In, and Out

Jesus Devotion

My Upward Calling

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jul 4, 2021

God calls each of us to know Him more intimately as we set our sights upon living out our eternal purpose.

Up, In, and Out

Evangelism Jesus Purpose

Don‘t Judge Me

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jun 13, 2021

How do you steward what you believe, possess, and love? One day, we all will answer to Jesus for our actions, the one true judge.

The Real Jesus


How We Treat People

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • May 16, 2021

Loving, serving, and forgiving is the model for life with others. Just like Christ, this is how we are to be to one another regardless of how we are treated.

The Real Jesus


He Had A Secret

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • May 9, 2021

Fully God and fully man, Jesus’ embodiment of the Holy Spirit was essential to everything He did. Discover how the Holy Spirit can impact our lives today and help us fulfill God’s purposes.

The Real Jesus

Jesus The Holy Spirit

Labeling Jesus

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • May 2, 2021

To know Jesus fully, we must see him clearly. As God’s Son, discover that the Savior of the world is everything to you today that He spoke about during His time on earth.

The Real Jesus


Favor Has Come

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Apr 4, 2021

Favor isn‘t temporary; it‘s eternal! Discover the five areas that we can have favor with God because of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus!  

Good Good News

Jesus Salvation

Freedom for the Prisoners

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Mar 28, 2021

Freedom isn‘t just found where you live; it‘s fully experienced by knowing Jesus. No matter your actions, thoughts, or feelings, the power of Jesus can set you free today!

Good Good News

Jesus Salvation

He Binds the Broken

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Mar 21, 2021

Healing didn‘t just occur when Jesus was walking on earth; he still heals today! Check out these 5 reasons why Jesus desires to bring healing into our lives right now!

Good Good News

Healing Jesus Redemption Salvation

Good News for the Poor

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Mar 14, 2021

Physical needs are prevalent but the message of Jesus brings provision and hope, both naturally and supernaturally, to anyone dependent on Him!

Good Good News

Jesus Salvation

Kingdom Peace

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Sep 20, 2020

Jesus Christ is the personification and Prince of peace. Watch this encouraging message from Church At Home with Pastor Jonathan Stockstill

Thy Kingdom Come

Jesus Kingdom of God Peace

Kingdom Priorities

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jul 19, 2020

Jesus did not come to establish a religion he came to establish a kingdom. Watch this encouraging message from Church At Home with Pastor Jonathan Stockstill.

Thy Kingdom Come

Kingdom of God Jesus