Passports and Passages

January 2023 14 Part Sermon Series

This year as a church family, we are setting out on a great expedition - to explore both the world AND the Word of God together. Through global missions and giving projects, we’re going into all the world to fulfill the great commission and make disciples of Christ. Here at home, we’re committing ourselves to the daily reading and application of the Word of God in our lives.

Triumphing Over Temptation

Pastor Joakim Lundqvist

Be Real

Pastor Wayne Brown

A Fresh Outpouring

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill

The Power of Private Devotion

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill

Praying Like the Master

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill

The Forecast of the Kingdom

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill

Don't Waste Your Life

Eli Bonilla

Come And See

Dr. Billy Wilson

Under Pressure

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill

Three Red Letter Questions

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill

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