September 2022

Changing the World By Taking an Initiative

Pastor Joakim Lundqvist • Sep 18, 2022

See how God will use our ambition to make a difference when we step out and put our faith into action.

Change Your World

Churches That Change the World

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Sep 25, 2022

Be part of a body of believers that makes an eternal impact. This is what a church looks like that brings change to people.

Change Your World

The Church

October 2022

People Who Change the World

Pastor Julius Rwotlonyo • Oct 2, 2022

Those who change the world don't do it through their own ability. These are the foundation for seeing even greater things happen.

Change Your World

Two Words that Changed the World

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Oct 9, 2022

Transformation is possible when one understands that both God's grace and truth are needed for change to happen.

Change Your World

Grace Truth

Let Your Light Shine

Pastor Joakim Lundqvist • Oct 16, 2022

We are called to be the light of the world. Each of us have been given a unique lamp through our personality and realm of influence to lead others to Christ and further the Kingdom of God.

Joy In Jail

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Oct 23, 2022

In Christ, there's joy that's built to last. Learn how the Gospel brings joy to every part of life.



Killing the Joy Killers

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Oct 30, 2022

Guard against losing your joy by not making life about yourself. There’s joy in putting others first.



November 2022

Christ Centered Joy

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Nov 6, 2022

Jesus is the foundation of joy. Discover your places of joy in him.


Jesus Joy

Don't Give Up

Pastor Earl McClellan • Nov 20, 2022

Start with what you can do. It’s enough for God to use to begin fulfilling your purpose.

Great Generosity

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Nov 27, 2022

Discover what it means to give and how our sacrifice impacts eternity.

December 2022

Partnering with God

Pastor Larry Stockstill • Dec 4, 2022

When you join with God, He'll do the supernatural when we do the natural.

Generosity Giving Provision Vision

Our Heavenly Reputation

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Dec 11, 2022

Understand how three areas of life shape your reputation on earth, and in heaven.

The Arrival

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Dec 18, 2022

Be ready for the imminent return of Christ. He was born as our Savior and will come back as our triumphant King.