May 2022

The Spirit Led Life

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • May 8, 2022

Surrendering the direction of our lives lets Him fulfill the purpose of our existence.

Come Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit

The Spirit Filled Life

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • May 15, 2022

Choose to be a vessel for God and ask His spirit to overflow in your life.

Come Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit

I’ve Got The Power

Pastor Wayne Brown • May 22, 2022

We all need the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives to see miracles, overcome life‘s struggles and walk in courage.

Come Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit

Hearing the Voice of the Holy Spirit

Pastor Joakim Lundqvist • May 29, 2022

Recognizing how He speaks into our lives will allow us to see the opportunities that He intends to use us for every day.

Come Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit

June 2022

Power of Pentecost

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jun 5, 2022

More than a historical event, the power and presence of what believers experienced at Pentecost is accessible today to anyone seeking God's Spirit to move in their lives.

Come Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit

I Need A Drink

Pastor Larry Stockstill • Jun 12, 2022

The Spirit's help changes how we pray and aligns us with God's will for our lives.

Come Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit

The Cost to Have a Godly Family

Rick Bezet • Jun 19, 2022

Understand all that's required for you and your family to exemplify the nature of Christ.

I Have the Advantage

Micah Berteau • Jun 26, 2022

Discover maturity and authority when the Holy Spirit fills and leads you.

July 2022

Walking in Freedom

Pastor Larry Stockstill • Jul 3, 2022

Understand the cost of freedom and what's required to walk in it every day.

Supernatural Living

Living in Health

Pastor Larry Stockstill • Jul 10, 2022

Take confidence in knowing that God desires healing for us. It may just look different from what we expect.

Supernatural Living


Living in Abundance

Pastor Larry Stockstill • Jul 17, 2022

When your focus remains on God, His provision is always more than enough.

Supernatural Living

Missions is a Mindset

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jul 24, 2022

Missions isn't a journey to a faraway country, it's a daily perspective that looks for opportunities to advance God's Kingdom.

Missions Is A Mindset


Missions is a Mindset Pt. 2

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jul 31, 2022

Missions isn't a journey to a faraway country, it's a daily perspective that looks for opportunities to advance God's Kingdom.

Missions Is A Mindset


August 2022

Provoked Into Progress

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Aug 7, 2022

Once you realize that eternity is at stake, your approach to life will not be the same.

Missions Is A Mindset


Missions is Conquest

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Aug 14, 2022

Advancing God's Kingdom and seeing lives won for Christ is why we live on mission. It’s time to take new ground for the Gospel.

Missions Is A Mindset


Jesus, The Catalyst of Change

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Aug 21, 2022

Change occurs in us once Jesus is at the proper place in our lives. Are you willing to let Him change you?

Change Your World

Jesus Surrender

Dangerous Decisions

Eli Bonilla • Aug 28, 2022

Thoughts can limit faith. Realize that the right perspective begins by renewing your mind.

Change Your World

Mental Health

September 2022

Changing The World Through Order

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Sep 4, 2022

Bringing order sets into motion opportunities which allow us to initiate changes from the inside out.

Change Your World

Excellence Godliness Order

Changing your Environment

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Sep 11, 2022

Be intentional about what you're around. The people and places that surround you will impact what you do and who you become.

Change Your World